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Переведите текст в Present Continues "На картинке я вижу, большой парк, дует ветер, ярко светит солнце. Люди ждут автобуса. В домике на дереве играют дети. А под деревом сидят парень с девушкой и играют на гитаре. Робот даёт девочке мороженое. Бабушка продаёт подарки. А человек рисует большую картину. За столом сидит человек и работает на компьютере, а под столом белый кролик. Под большим зонтом люди устроили пикник. На скамейке сидит семейная пара и играет с детьми. Около них дети играют в мяч. А полицейские играет с собакой в летающую тарелку"

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Ответы на вопрос:

In the picture I` m seeing a large park, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining brightly. People are waiting for the bus. Children are playing in the tree house. A guy and a girl are sitting under a tree and playing the guitar. The robot is giving the girl ice cream. Grandma is selling gifts. A person is painting a big picture. A man is sitting at the table and working on a computer, and under the table is a white rabbit. People is having a picnic under a big umbrella. A married couple is sitting on a bench and playing with children. Around them, children are playing ball. And the policeman is playing with the dog in a flying saucer.

In this picture I see a wide park. Wind is blowing and the bright Sun is shining. People are waiting for a bus. Children are playing in a tree-house. A girl and a boy are playing a guitar under a tree. A robot is giving an ice-cream to a little girl. A grandmother (или an old lady, смотря в каком смысле имеешь ввиду) is selling gifts. A man is drawing a huge painting. Another man is sitting by a table and working in a computer. There is a rabbit under the table. People are having a picnic under a big umbrella. A married couple is sitting on a bench and having fun with their children. Some youngsters are playing with a ball near them. A policeman is playing with a dog.

1.My sister doesn't eat turkey.

2.We don't eat grapes in Spain at New Year.

3.I don't stay in Switzerland.

4.Lady Toffingham doesn't like hot dogs.

5.My grandparents don't dance samba here.

6.Heidi doesn't celebrate her name day.

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