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Fill in the blanks. 1. The reagent room is used for ... chemicals. a. storing
b. weighing
2. The weighing room is (1)... constructed (2)... to be free from external disturbances.
1). A. specially b. generally
2). C. so as d. because
3. Chemical laboratory operations ... liquids, solids and gases. a. deal with
b. require
4. The apparatus used for ... experiments are clamped to ring-stands.
a. transporting
b. carrying out
5. The laboratory ... with gas and running water.
a. is operated b. is provided

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1)There's a bread on the table

2)Have you got any eggs

3)There's an orange on the plate

4)There are any oranges in the bowl

5)Is there any bread?

6)I haven't got any apples

7)I've got any apples

8)There is a beautiful woman in the window

9)There isn't a butter

10)Would you like any coffee?

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