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ПАМАГИТ ПАЖ Test 9 5 класс

1 Переведи

овощной магазин
ювелирный магазин
газетный киоск
картинная галерея
парк аттракционов
фильм ужасов
музыкальный магазин
магазин одежды

2 Вставь нужное слово

• music • aspirin • buy • clothes • pair • fast • floors • florist’s • games
The ………. shop has got the dress I like.
What do you want to ………. ?
You will find ………. at the chemist’s.
I’m hungry. Let’s eat at the ………. food restaurant.
I need some flowers. Where's the ………. ?
I want to buy a ………. of shoes.
Brown’s has six and a basement.
You can find at Toyland.
U2’s new CD is at the shop.

3 Вставь a, an or the.

Every year, Sam gets electronic game for his birthday
Kate always has party on her birthday.
Is there toy shop in this town?
I have apple every day.
I'm going to the chemist's on fifth floor.
I like to go shopping at weekend.
I want to buy new pair of shoes.

4 Дополни предложения с must or mustn’t.

You ………. feed the animals at the zoo. It’s dangerous.
You be quiet in this library.
We take photos. It’s bad for the paintings.
They eat inside the gallery.
You leave before 6 o’clock or you’ll be late.
You throw rubbish in the bin.
You talk in the theatre.

5 вставь глаголы в скобках in Past Simple.
Kate (buy) a dress yesterday.

The cat (not/eat) any fish last week.
Tom and Jane (be) at the theatre last month.
you (watch) TV last night?
Jill (cook) meat yesterday.
Peter (not/be) at the zoo yesterday.
Where (see) Helen last week?
He (write) a letter last Sunday.
you (go) to school last Friday?
They (not/be) at home yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:


Булочная- bakery

аптека- chemist

овощной магазин- greengrocery

ювелирный магазин- jeweller's

газетный киоск- Newsstand

картинная галерея- picture gallery

парк аттракционов- Amusement park

фильм ужасов- Horror movie

боевик- action movie

музыкальный магазин- A music shop

магазин одежды- Clothing store


The clothes shop has got the dress I like.

What do you want to buy?

You will find aspirin at the che chemist's.

I'm hungry. Let's eat the at the music food restaurant.

I need some flowers. Where's the florist's?

I want to buy a pair of shoes.

Brown's has six floors and a basement.

You can find fast at Toyland

U2 's new CD is at the games shop.


1. Sam gets the electronic games.

2. has a party

3. a toy shop

4. an apple

5. on the fifth floor.

6. at the weekend.

7. a new pair of shoes


1. You mustn't feed

2. You must be queit

3. We mustn't take photos

4. They must eat

5. You must leave

6. You must throw

7. You mustn't talk


Формула: V2

Kate bought a dress yesterday.

The cat didn't eat any fish last week.

Tom and Jane were at the theatre last month.

Did you watch TV last night?

Jill cooked meat yesterday.

Peter didn't be at the zoo yesterday.

Where did see Helen last week?

He wrote a letter last Sunday.

Did you go to school last Friday?

They didn't be at home yesterday.

Моё любимое акт.блюдо это борщ.все что вам нужно,так это качан капусты,несколько кусков мяса,свекла,морковь,картошка,помидоры, луковица, зелень,специи и немного сметаны.приготовьте мясо,почистите овощи,порежьте тонко картофель,свеклу и морковь,порубите лук и зелень.затем положите овощи в кастрюлю.добавьте помидоры,специи и не забудьте посолить.когда борщ готов,добавьте сметану в вашу тарелку.получайте удовольствие от еды!

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