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Complete the dialogues with will won't and a verb from the box. Use contractions.
not remember foll not sell forget not win miss
A I'm going climbing next weekend.
B it's very dangerous. You all
A I'm playing in the tennis final tomorrow,
B The other player is very good. You
A I'm going to study all evening.
B it's a waste of time. You
in the morning
A told Nick that it's Jane's birthday on Friday,
B You know Nicki He
A i'm going to put my MP3 player on eBay.
B it's too old. You
A I'm getting the 8.50 train
B It's leaving in five minutes. You

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Ответы на вопрос:

A I'm going climbing next weekend.

B it's very dangerous. You'll fall

A I'm playing in the tennis final tomorrow,

B The other player is very good. You won't win

A I'm going to study all evening.

B it's a waste of time. You'll forget in the morning


A told Nick that it's Jane's birthday on Friday,

B You know Nicki He won't remember

A i'm going to put my MP3 player on eBay.

B it's too old. You won't sell it

A I'm getting the 8.50 train

B It's leaving in five minutes. You'll miss it.


1. yes, i really like to learn franch language / no, not really. i want to learn english perfectly and then learn another language. 2. yes, i really like to do everything in what i'm interested. 3. yes, i've do a lot of products with this. / no, not really. i'm not interested in it. 4. yes, i really like to participate in the perfomances. / no, not really. i prefer to watch from the sidelines.

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