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INFINITIVE OR ING-FORM? 1. Peter started (to smoke) when he was 15, but he stopped (to smoke) three years ago. 2. I enjoy (to get up) late on weekends, but I also don't mind (to get up early during the week. 3. I suggest (to go out) this weekend - would ... (to join)? you like 4. I first wanted (to sell) my old car. But then I refused (to sell) it and decided (to keep) it. (to get up) 5. Even after losing the job, he continued early. (to meet) but I prefer (to see) us 6. I'd love on Tuesday. 7. He offered me ... (to choose) the date for the meeting and I suggested (to opt) for Monday. 8. I forgot ... (to switch) off the light, we need ... (to go) back. 9. Suddenly, she started (to cry). 10. He promised (to call) once in New York. 11. He tried (to concentrate) on his work but kept on thinking about her. 12. I love ... (to have) a cup of coffee early in the morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.to smoke,smoking
2.getting up,getting up
3.going out,to join
4.to sell,selling(mb),to keep
прости но дальше не могу,там странно написано
т.е там точки стоят где они не должны быть

Привіт мій друг. пишу тобі листа про те як тут у нас красиво в києві. київ - столиця україни. з цього тут кожен день багато туристів. дуже багато людей приходять подивитися на пам'ятники архітектури. що і раджу тобі. багато людей приїжджають в наш чудовий зоопарк. так само красиві парки, ботанічні сади. багато чого цікавого можна розповісти про наш київ.

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