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An American made the first film over one hundred and twenty years ago.

He filmed a horse (1) … was running very fast. The early films were all about one minute long. They were black and white, of course, and there was (2) … sound. The films were often funny and showed things like people falling (3) … or running to catch a bus.

A hundred years ago, business people opened the (4) … cinemas. It was very cheap to watch a few films. Sometimes somebody (5) … a piano while people watched. Often these cinemas were very dirty and there were (6) … insects in the seats!

In the 1930s they started to make films with sound. It was very exciting for people to (7) … the actors speak for the first time. A few years later people made films (8) … colour. This was also very exciting.

Today many of the new cinemas are very big and (9) … ten or fifteen films to watch on any evening. A lot of people also watch films on TV and many people buy DVDs so they can watch their favourite films (10) … home.


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Guy fawkes night is celebrated in the uk on november 5th. this tradition comes from old times when king james i was on the throne. he was a protestant that is why roman catholics did not like him because of the religious differences. in 1605 roman catholics made a plan to blow up the houses of parliament. they placed barrels with gunpowder under the house of lords. the man called guy fawkes was one of those people. nevertheless, they did not have a chance to blow up the parliament because the king discovered their plan, his soldiers found guy fawkes and executed him. this happened on november 5th. since then british people mark this day by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes on a bonfire. they call this dummy simply "a guy".

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