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Make up sentences from the words (the Present Simple or the Present Continuous).

1. now, a literature lesson, we, having, are.

2. a child, sleeping, in the bedroom, now, is.

3. do, play, I, the guitar, not.

4. his cat, in the basket, sleeps, often.

5. a disco club, now, Al and Kate, going, are, to.

6. in the forest, is, Sam, skiing, now.

7. are, in the trees, now, the birds, singing.

8. are, to London, they, now, going.

9. go, every spring, to Italy, my parents.

10. is, what, he, doing now?

11. are, now, where, playing, they, baseball?

12. does, have dinner, when, your father?

13. Ted, listening, is, to the music, now?

14. do, usually, when, do, they, their homework?

15. do, you, play football, usually, where?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) We are having a literature lesson now.

2) A child is sleeping in the bedroom now.

3) I do not play the guitar.

4) His cat often sleeps in the basket.

5) Al and Kate are going to a disco club now.

6) Sam is skiing in the forest now

7) The birds are singing in the trees now.

8) They are going to London now.

9) My parents go to Italy every spring.

10) What is he doing now?


1) У нас сейчас урок литературы.

2) Сейчас в спальне спит ребенок.

3) Я не играю на гитаре.

4) Его кошка часто спит в корзине.

5) Эл и Кейт сейчас собираются в диско-клуб.

6) Сэм сейчас катается на лыжах в лесу.

7) Сейчас птицы поют на деревьях.

8) Сейчас они едут в Лондон.

9) Мои родители каждую весну ездят в Италию.

10) Что он сейчас делает?


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