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A FUNNY STORY Once a man went to a shop and bought a pair of trousers. When he came home, he put the trousers on. Then he saw that they were too long for him.
So he went to his wife and said:
"Please make my trousers shorter, they are too long for me, I cannot put them on."
But the wife said: "I have no time now. I must wash the plates. It is late now, I shall do it tomorrow."
The man went to his daughter and asked her:
"Can you make my trousers shorter? I cannot put them on."
"No, I cannot," said the daughter. "I must do my lessons now. I shall do it tomorrow".
The man went to his sister, but she could not help him. She said: "I must make my dress now. I shall do it tomorrow".
So the man went to bed and left his new trousers on a chair near his bed.
His wife washed all the plates, came into the room, took the trousers, made them shorter and put them back on the chair. When his daughter did her lessons, she came into his room, took the trousers and made them shorter. Late in the evening his sister came too and made the trousers shorter.
The man got up at 7 o'clock in the morning. His wife told him, "I have made your trousers shorter; you can put them on". But when the man put them on, he saw that they were too short for him and he could not wear them.

Задание :
Написать 20 вопросов к тексту

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. What did the man buy?
2. Why did the man approach his wife?
3. Why did the wife refuse her husband?
4. Why did the daughter refuse dad?
5. Why didn't his sister help him?
6. Where did the man leave his trousers?
7. When did the man's sister come?
8. Why did the man's pants become short?
9. What time did the man wake up?

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