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Make a not complicated sentence with these words. immigrant, immigration, immigrate, strict, strictness, because of prep, in spite of prep, huge, settle, settlement, join, gradually, escape, independence, gain independence, independent.

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Pushkin is a great russian writer, dramatist, essayist and critic. his works are widely known throughout the world. the love of his mother tongue was developed by his grandmother, mary a. hannibal. she good to say and write in russian. it is also a great influence on pushkin had his nanny arina. some of his works he dedicated to her.in his short life the poet wrote a lot of interesting and great works. he died from wounds received in a duel. and i'm sure, if it were not for his death, the world would see a lot more great poems.pushkin wrote such works as: evginy onegin, ruslan and lyudmila, the tale of tsar saltan, the tale of the fisherman and the fish, aleko, the captain's daughter, blizzard and so on. пушкин-великий писатель, драматург, эссеист и критик. его произведения широко известны во всем мире. любовь его родной язык был разработан его бабушка, мария а. она хорошо говорить и писать по-. также большое влияние на пушкина была его няня арина родионовна. некоторые из своих произведений он посвятил ей.за свою короткую жизнь поэт написал много интересных и замечательных работ. он умер от раны, полученной на дуэли. и я уверен, что, если бы не его смерть, в мире было бы намного больше прекрасные стихи.пушкин написал такие произведения, как: evginy онегин, руслан и людмила, сказка о царе салтане, сказка о рыбаке и рыбке", "алеко", капитанская дочка, метель и так далее.

Популярно: Английский язык