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KO 5 2 Choose the correct words in the questions and short answers. 1 Have / Has you seen the new James Bond filra? Yes, I have / has. 2 Have / Has his novel become successful? No, it haven't/hasn't 3 Have / Has you bought a comic book for your brother? No, I haven't / hasn't. 4 Have / Has the sequel to the book come out now? Yes, it have/has. 5 Have / Has all her books become popular. Yes, they have / has. E 11 DA.

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Ответы на вопрос:







если неправильно sorry

1. one must work hard to learn well. - чтобы хорошо учиться, нужно лишь немного постараться. 2. does your friend tell you about studies when you meet him? - разговариваете ли вы с другом об учёбе при встрече? 3. tomorrow prof. smith will not deliver club his lecture at club. - завтра профессор смит не будет вести лекцию у своего клуба. 4. there were many great scientific discoveries in the 20th century. - в 20 веке было сделано много великих открытий.

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