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1. I’d like to describe picture № (number) 1.
2. The picture shows a girl at school.
(in the garden - в саду; outside - на улице; in the classroom – в классе; at home –дома; in the park - в парке; in the museum - в музее; at the sea - у моря; at the cinema – в кинотеатре).
3. As we can see, the girl is writing her classwork.(ед. ч.)
the children (the boys, the girls) are playing. (мн. ч.)
4. It seems to me, (мне кажется) the girl is about 9 years old.
She/he has got long/short, dark/fair hair.
She/he has got big/small, green/brown/blue eyes.
I think he/she is very kind (добрая), clever (умная).
Also he/she has got a pleasant smile.
He/she is wearing a school uniform (a T-shirt – футболка, a dress – платье, jeans – джинсы, warm clothes – теплая одежда).
5. As for me, I like the picture because it gives me positive emotions about school (summer – лето, spring – весна, autumn – осень, holidays – праздниках, каникулах).
Moreover, I like to study (to play games, to swim, to watch TV,
to be outside – находиться на улице).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)there's a bird in the forest. 2)i cut a long thin piece. 3)people are walking throw the market. 4)i by hat. 5)it is a fly

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