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Writing Task. Write review of a book which you have read recently. Write 4 paragraphs using the plan below: Paragraph 1: Introduction I'd like to recommend... Paragraph2: Details The book is... (Summary of the book without the end) Paragraph3: Opinions The things I liked most... Paragraph 4: Conclusion All in all, ... The book I recently read is written by The story is a (Type) The story is about (characters and setting, summary)

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The most important thing is balance and variety. when you’re training, your body needs lots of different things so you must eat different kinds of food. you should eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables because they give you lots of vitamins, especially vitamin c which is important.  you should eat bread, potatoes and pasta. all these things give you carbohydrates. but you mustn’t eat too many sweets or chocolates because you’ll put on weight and they’re bad for your teeth.  finally, protein is important when you’re training. for protein you must eat meat and vegetables, like beans. you should also eat plenty of eggs and milk. eggs and milk also give you calcium which is important for your bones.  one other thing – you must eat regularly every day. you mustn’t eat your meals at different times, for example, or eat a lot one day and a little the next.  you should also have a good breakfast and you shouldn’t eat too much before training, it’s very bad for you.  i nearly forgot: when you’re training, you must never smoke cigarettes!  

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