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Do you think about being famous? I do! If I become famous, I'll try to help poor and hungry people in the world. If I become famous, I'll probably have lots of money! If I have lots of money, I'll give some of it to poor people. They can buy food and clothes with it . They'll be very happy, and I'll feel extremely good! Maybe I'll also build a hospital. If I do that, it will save people's lives. And perhaps I'll open a school. The children will learn a lot and then grow up and get good jobs. Some of them may become famous too! Then they might help other people. I don't know how I'll become famous, and I don't know if I'll become famous. But if I do, I'll really try to help other people. What about you? What will you do if you become rich and famous? ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ДАМ

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Iwe you they (то есть с i и когда мн. have + глагол ed/3 столбик  he she it (ед. has +  глагол ed/3 столбик have/has just won  the first prize have/has  studied  hard to reach the have/has  done  well. have/has  stopped  playng computer i haven't regretted  it have/has  taught  me to work hard. haven't/ hasn't  expected  to come first so i was amazed at the result. have/has not been able to  stop shaking disappointed that she has never become  a winner. havehas  been  very proud of her brother`s success.

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