Есть ответ 👍

2 Look at the questions and answers. Rewrite the answers using short answers. Use the short answers from exercise 1 as examples to follow.
1 Where do you live? I live in Covent Garden.
In Covent Garden.
2 How old are you? I'm fifteen years old.
3 Why do you live in London? I live there because it's lovely.
4 When do you usually wake up? I wake up at eight o'clock.
5 When can we see your next film? My next film comes out this spring.
6 Which film do you prefer - The Game or Summer Love?
I prefer The Game.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. are sean and jake going to play football today?

e) no, they aren't.

2. will mike send me an email?

d) no, he won't.

3. had you locked the car after you parked it?

c) yes, i had.

4. have they been studying english  

b) yes, they have.

5. does petra speak english?  

a) no, she does n't.

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