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Эссе про знаменитость на английском языке 150 слов

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ответ:The Biography of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous American presidents. He was the 16th president of the USA. Thanks to him the country successfully went through financial, military, moral and other types of crisis. He was also the person who put an end to the slavery.

Объяснение:Авраам Линкольн является одним из самых известных американских президентов. Он был 16-м президентом США. Благодаря ему страна успешно финансовый, военный, моральный и другие виды кризиса. Он также являлся тем человеком, который положил конец рабству.

1. Don't be so noisy! I work.

2. It's already late. I'm staying home now. See you later.

3. "Have you seen Sarah?" "Yes, she is cooking dinner for us."

4. Boys swim in the lake.

5. "Where is Jane?" "She is eating lunch."

6. Smith family on vacation. They are camping now.

7. “Be careful, please. You are standing on my scarf. ” "Excuse me please."

8. We are building a new store in our area now.


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