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1 break(
2 regular(
4 pulse(
5 health(
6 healthy(
7 touch(
8 immediately(
9 temperature(
10 medicine(
11 hurt(
12 pain(
13 silly(
14 pressure(

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.We had to break open the door. Нам пришлось взломать дверь.

2.I'm just a regular office worker. Я всего лишь обычный офисный работник.

3.Tom has been calling me regularly every evening. Том мне звонит регулярно каждый вечер.

4.The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid. Врач подумал, что пульс пациента высоковат.

5.Our health is our most precious possession. Здоровье — наша величайшая драгоценность.

6.She has a healthy lifestyle. Она ведёт здоровый образ жизни.

7.Don't touch my things. Не трогайте мои вещи.

8.I immediately thought of you. Я сразу же подумал о тебе.

9.The temperature was above zero last week. На неделе температура была выше нуля.

10.Sleep is the best medicine for a cold. Сон — это лучшее лекарство от простуды.

11.My shoulder hurts so much, I don't know what to do. У меня так болит плечо, что я не знаю, что делать.

12.I got up today with a pain in my neck. Я встал сегодня с болью в шее.

13.He's always asking silly questions. Он всегда задаёт глупые вопросы.

14.The pressure of his fingers had relaxed. Его хватка ослабла.

ответ:Coffee is a drink that gives people energy.

Jackie Chan is an actor who was born in Hong Kong.

The park is a place where people go to walk, play, and relax.

Justin Bieber is a singer who has sold over 140 million albums.

Snakes are animals that have a dangerous bite.

The hospital is where people go when they are seriously injured or ill.

Ronaldo is a soccer player who is famous all over the world.

This is a shop where you can buy many different types of food and drink.

Pizza is a popular food that was first made in Italy.

The gym is the place where people go to exercise.

Mosquitoes are insects that like to bite people.

Albert Einstein was a scientist to whom we should be thankful for the invention of important things.

A mouse is something that helps us use a computer.

Kanye West is a rapper who has millions of fans.

The girl whose name I don’t know helped me during the exam.

Ed Sheeran is a musician who can sing and play the guitar.

Kangaroos are animals that live in Australia.

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