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1. Complete the sentences with the modal verb: 1. Passengers ___ check their tickets after buying to be sure that it is the correct
2. On this section of the line, the trains‟ speed ___ be limited to 40 mph.
3.___ you show me the nearest way to the station?
4. Baggage ___ not be left unattended in the terminal building.
5. Passengers ___ go by subway all day long for the same fare if they only
change trains but don‘t go out of the station.
6. You ___ call the station to enquire about train times.
Read the sentences, replacing the modal verbs with their
2. 1. Passengers must show their tickets when they go on the train.
2. You may take any of these instruments; I do not need them now.
3. The car, which you could see at the exhibition, will be used on international
railway lines.
4.This railway line must be converted from diesel to electric traction next year.
5. Passengers may have up to three pieces of hand luggage.
6. Thanks to wide sliding doors in Metro cars, passengers can get on and off
the train quickly

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Ihave a fish she's a little fish blue fish name is pasha pasha eats worms.

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