Task 3. Write a short article about Natural disaster. # What natural disasters are typical for your country? Give examples.
Which one of natural disasters are you most afraid of?
What was the last natural disaster you saw on TV? Where did it happen?
• How did it affect people?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) He did not built a cottage last summer. He sell it
2)She did not buy a nice dress yesterday. She washed it
3) Bob did not paint the beautiful picture yesterday. He drew
4) Anya did not see a fox in the zoo 2 weeks ago. She played with this
5) My friend did not write an e-mail last Sunday. They answered
6) He did not enjoy the concert a day ago. He hated it
7) Simon did not walk to school yesterday. He ride
8)I did not song on her birthday. I dance

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