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LISTENING. Llamas. Fill the gaps with the correct word or phrase: foxes dogs softer warmer gentle 4.000 metres relaxed three curious herds wild stressed. 1. Llamas and alpacas are both domesticated animals and vicuñas and guanacos are 2. Llamas are very sociable animals and live together in groups, in 3. They respond well to being trained and they are usually and 4. The alpaca is famous for its wool, which is and than sheep's wool. 5. Vicuñas can only be shorn of their wool every years. 6. Guanacos are capable of surviving at over in the Andes. 7. Llamas hum when they are or the opposite, feeling 8. Sometimes farmers use llama to protect sheep and hens from animals that might attack them, like 2 or 19 points

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