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3. 1. When (in/at) some places it is hot even to breath,
(at/in) other places floods don't stop.
2. This is what happens (in/at) Minsk, Belarus.
3. Heavy rains have literally turned the city (into / in)
a «sea».
4. The water is everywhere: (on /in) subways, (on/
at) the roads, (at /in) the buildings, (in /to) the
means of transport.
5. The rescuers had to help people to get (of / off) buses
and cars because (off/ of) it.

5 .Write 6-10 sentences about natural disasters in the world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Do you skate well? - yes, i do. does he ski in the afternoon? - no, he doesn't. do they jump well? - no, they don't. does alice dance well? - yes, she does. does / doesn't используется с подлежащими в 3 лице ед.ч. : he, she, it, nick, alice do / don't используется со всеми остальными подлежащими : i, we, they, you,

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