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1. Why are humans unique in the universe? 2. What do all animals have in common?
3. Why do animals need to produce more of their own kind?
4. Why do animals communicate with each other?
5. What kinds of insects are good at communicating?
6. How many species of animals and plants are there in the world?
Write an essay about nature about 80-100 words using the next stru
1 paragraph - introduction (general information )

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Ответы на вопрос:

Дорогой мой друг! По скольку ты болеешь я хочу дать тебе несколько советов. 1)принимай антибиотики которые прописали врачи,2) не выходи на холод и не пей холодную воду, 3)лечись каждый день и тебе станет лучше.

С уважением твой друг

My dear friend! Since you are sick, I want to give you some advice. 1) take the antibiotics prescribed by the doctors, 2) do not go out into the cold and do not drink cold water, 3) get treatment every day and you will feel better.

Regards your friend

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