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ANSWERS IShe was born in in 1957 in East Kazakhstan Province. 2 Her father was a railway worker 3 She has seven brothers and sisters. 4 Her first pop band was Gulder (Flowers. 5. She won her first musical award at the age of 18 6. She became the Peoples Artist in 1986 at the age of 28. 7 They call her the 'Golden Voice of the Republic. 8. Ih 2005 she got a Star on the Star Square in MoscoW. 9. She also teaches at the Academy of Arts.

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ВІДПОВІДІ Народилася в 1957 році в Східно-Казахстанській області. 2 Її батько був залізничним робітником 3 Має семеро братів і сестер. 4 Її першою поп-групою була Gulder (Flowers. 5. Свою першу музичну нагороду вона отримала у віці 18 років 6. Народною артисткою вона стала 1986 року у віці 28 років. 7 Її називають «Золотим голосом Республіки». 8. У 2005 році отримала зірку на Зоряній площі в Москві 9. Також викладає в Академії мистецтв.



Who am i? i first of all person who were born with rights and duties. i am a creature of voploshenie the highest degree of development of life. i am individual, since i separate the representative of cheloveskom kind. i am an individual because i can do what others can't. i'm a person, with inherent traits and relations. they manifest themselves in interaction with people, society and the state. i'm conscious, because i know what to do. i have thinking, that it separates us from the animals. i have different needs: biological, social, spiritual. i know how to live in society. i can learn about the world. and all it says is that i'm a man.

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