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Написать на русском как читаются (не транскрипции) английские слова
Например you-ю
2.5 minutes.
a. You are planning your weekend with your foreign friend who is staying at your place. In your conversation clear up the following aspects:
• when your friend has free time
• possible activities to do in your city
• ask your friend about his ideas of spending the weekend
• choose the activity and give your reasons
• ask your partner whether he agrees with you
b. You are planning going on an excursion with your foreign friend who is staying at your place. In your conversation:
• suggest the possible places to visit
• ask him where he wants to go
• choose the best place to visit giving your reasons
• discuss with your friend whether to take somebody with you and why
Don't forget the simple rules:
-Take an active part in the conversation
- Be polite
- Come up with ideas
- Give good reasons
- Find out your friend's attitudes and take them into account
- Come to an agreement

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

what does she look like ? спрашивается как она выглядит. смотри, когда спрашиваешь с подвязками , скажем в презенте (do/does),   то говорится о внешности. (tall/short/eyes/hair) высокая, низкая, цвет глаз, волосы и т д.

а если подвязывашь под to be форму, то подобный вопрос уточняется о характере человека: what is she like? (kind, witty, sensitive,greedy etc)

вот и всё)

Популярно: Английский язык