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I’d like to describe picture number 1.
1. The picture shows us a girl sitting on the plane
2. The picture was taken on the plane
3. As you can see the girl is smiling and holding a bottle of water
4. I think she is pretty
5. She has got dark straight hair and brown eyes
6. it seems to me that she is positive, easy-going and a little bit of excited
7. I like the photo a lot because i like flying on the plane and the girl is so happy and it's uplifting



1. he did not work out of boredom, he has calluses in his hands, and now he is old and grey —it's my dear, grandpa!                                     1. он трудился не от скуки, у него в мозолях руки, а теперь он стар и сед — мой родной, дед                                                                                    

2. who is the cutest person in the world?   whom do all the children love?   i can answer this question easily:     — it's our mummy!                 2. кто милее всех на свете?   кого любят дети?   на вопрос отвечу прямо:     — всех милее наша мама    

3. who will teach you to hammer a nail?   who will teach you to be brave?   who will teach you not to cry and complain, when you fall down?                 - it's certainly your   !                                                              

3. кто не в шутку, а всерьёз нас забить научит гвоздь?   кто научит смелым быть?   а упав, не ныть, и   не реветь?     конечно папа!          

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