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I. Чтение. Прочитайте текст и перепишите предложения, исправив ошибку! a) Mrs Bloom had appendicitis. c) Rubin will have the operation on his tonsils.
b) Francesco works in the hospital. d) Bill had an operation
Francesco came to hospital with his parents.
What happened in the hospital?
Francesco said goodbye to his mother and father, and then they left. Bill, one of the other boys in his room, said, pointing to a boy on a bed, “That’s Rubin. He had an operation this morning, and so he’s sleeping a lot today.” “Have you ever had an operation?” he asked Francesco. “I will have my tonsils out (удалят гланды) tomorrow,” said Francesco. Bill had his appendix taken out.
When Rubin woke up, the three boys talked for a while. Bill remembered something and pushed his button to call the nurse.
“Have you forgotten my tablet?” asked Bill when Mrs Bloom came to the doorway.
“The doctor said you shouldn’t have one tonight,” she answered. “Does your stomach hurt?”
“No,” said Bill.
In a few minutes, Bill was asleep. Francesco missed his parents. But it was good to know that all the hospital workers were there to help his doctor help him. He was glad that Rubin and Bill were sharing his room with him.
“And tomorrow I’ll meet some more new friends,” he thought, and then he fell asleep.

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Moscow is the capital of the russian federation. the largest city in russia with the largest population.there is a version that the word moscow means swamp, dampness)the city was founded by prince yuri dolgoruky. gathered the princes of the neighboring kingdoms to a meeting in the town "mosquito" april 4, 1147. this year is considered the year of foundation of the city of moscow. this year she turned 865 years old.coat of arms: on the red canvas george the victorious, killing the snake. the anthem, "my golden moscow", which we learned. the main symbol of the city is the moscow kremlin, and red square. the kremlin is the oldest part of the city. it consists of the kremlin wall, towers (spasskaya, taynitskaya, nabatnaya, troitskaya, borovitskaya, blagoveshchenskaya, vodovzvodnaya, kutafya), monuments (tsar cannon, tsar bell, monument to minin and pozharsky, lenin mausoleum), and squares, gardens, cathedrals, palace buildings and other buildings.

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