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True or false statements 1 Salvador Dali painted everyday items in strange and mysterious ways 2 Leonardo Da Vinci painted in Abstract style 3 Paul Klee had a few works of art 4 Claude Monet’s favourite thing to paint was a lily pond with a Japanese bridge across it 5 Picasso became very famous because he could work in many styles 6 Van Gogh’s paintings were always bright and colourful 7 The works of Andy Warhol were attractive and bright

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ответ: Ustozimiz bizga Vatanimiz haqida so’zlab berdilar.

Ona tili fanida “Ona” haqida diktant yozdik.

Biz o’qigan hikoya mehr-oqibat to’g’risida ekan.

Onam bilan maktab haqida suhbatlashdik.


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