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Перефразируйте предложения употребляя модальный глагол need . Пример : it is not necessary to go there - you needn’t go there 1)there is no need for you to be present

2)why do you want to press the skirt ? It is not creased at all

3) why do you want to take this tablet ? It is not necessary at all

4)we have a a lot of time. It is not necessary to be in a hurry

5)it is not necessary to do it now. You can do it after dinner .

6)it is not necessary for her to help us. Everything is ok now

7) it is not necessary for you to help me. I can do everything myself

8)it is not necessary for him to go the library. I can give him the book

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Ответы на вопрос:

А) many b) much c) much  d) much  e) many f) many

Популярно: Английский язык