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с английским A: What (you / do) at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
B: I (have) basketball practice. Then I (go) home.
2. A: (you / meet) any new people at the seminar?
B: Yes, Tom (introduce) me to our new partners.
3. A: Where (you / be) last night? I (try) to call you but there (be) no answer.
B: I’m sorry. I(be) very busy. I (finish) my science project.
4. A: How (you / meet) Jane?
B: I (work) in the library when she (come) up to me and (ask) for help.
5. A: (you / watch) a documentary about nanotechnology on TV last night?
B: Unfortunately I (miss) the beginning, I (talk) on the phone at the time the film (start).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.imagine 2.understand 3.normal

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