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Очень с английским , очень ... Впишите в предложения пропущенные слова: either, or, neither, nor, so.

1)Jack goes boating and does Ben.

2)Pupils of our school can choose English or German.

3)Paul likes oranges nor bananas.

4)I don't like cold and rainy weather and do my parents.

5)Either Helen Kate can help you with your hometask.

6)Neither Sam Mike invited me to their birthday parties.

Выбери необходимое причастие в словосочетаниях и подчеркни его

1) a smiling/smiled girl

2) a breaking/broken bridge

3) a washing/washed car

4) a running/run boy

5) dancing/danced children

6) polluting/polluted air

7) a flying/flown bird

8) a translating/translated book

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1)-so, 2)-either, 3)-nor, 4)-neither, 5)-either, 6)-neither.


1-smiling, 2-broken, 3-washed, 4-running, 5-dancing, 6-polluted, 7-flying, 8-translated.

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