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ЛЮДИ ДОБРЫЕ НУ УМОЛЯЮ НЕ ИГНОРИРУЙТЕ 1the company exploited the land forminerals A)it's b)their c)it's d)theirs e)hers

2westminster abbey is famous for architecture

A)his b )it's c)it's d)their e)itself

3the region is famous for... beautiful lakes

A)it's b)hers c)it's d)ours e)theirs

4hair is as dark as

A)my theirs b) my his c)our hers d)your hers e)his her

5nerves are as calm as

A)my her b)his her c)my hers d)hers mine e)her my

6this black car isbut not

A)ours theirs b)my his c)our hers d)your hers e)his her

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. b

Learning languages is interesting. we had better tell her nothing. must i pay now? he used to like playing football, when he was younger.

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