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1) I can describe my day. e.g. I wake up at 6.30. I get up at ... | ... at 2) I can say how often I do things. e.g. I always leave home at 7.45. 3) I can use the 3rd person singular. e.g. Aziz always wakes up at 7 o'clock. He doesn't drink tea and milk. 4) I can say the events in sequence. e.g. Aziz gets up at 7.10. Then he ... After this he ... . Before breakfast he 5) I can ask and say my likes/dislikes. e.g. I like doing sums. Do you like skating? Yes, I do./No I don't. 6) I can use "and” and “but”. e.g. I like cooking and Umida does too. I like football but Rano doesn't. 7) I can say my and my friend's hobbies. e.g. Do you have a hobby? I like collecting coins. Rustam likes writing poems. 8) I can talk about my favourite music and singer. e.g. My favourite music is pop. My favourite singer is ... He/She 9) I can talk about my favourite TV channels and programmes. e.g. A: What programmes do you like? B: Nature programmes.

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Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. you won't sleep. `are you ready yet? ' `not yet. i will be ready in five minutes.' i think we will win the game. `it's very warm in the room.' `shall i open the window? ' will you stay at home tomorrow evening?

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