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У меня по анг. задали описать картинку по плану, можете , я вовсе не успеваю это сделатт. Буду благодарен

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)what book betty was reading the wole evening? 2)where was i  waiting  for you after? 3)about what j ane and helen were talking loudly when i came in? 4)what programme   were we watching tv at 7 oc'lock? 5)what topic the children  were discussing  when the teacher came? 6)why  betty and jeft   were laughting gaily  when i saw them? 7)what song  granny was singing when i came in? 8)what mother still reading,when i returned home? наверное так, но лучше проверить)

Популярно: Английский язык