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Put the relative Pronouns which, whose, who, whom into the sentences. 1. This man was her father kissed her. 2. One of those girls Sylvia had seen as she and Molly left the crowd on the quay came quickly up the street. 3. I was received into the homes of some of the members, where I met nice girls skirts reached the ground. 4. She opened a door led into the next room. 5. Such was the woman Charles Reade now approached with the request that she would let him read to her a portion of his play. 6. They take every man hasn't been dead more than two days! 7. There were men William loved to make great, but whom he had no mind to make dangerous. 8. Little did they dream that it was their enemy coming they so dreaded who now stood before them in this disguise. 9. There are secrets should not be told. 10. It was James saved the situation. 11. It was the idea of the chief attracted me. 12. And let us not think that this choice, which the eye cannot see, is truly a very small matter, and helpless to comfort a sorrow cause the eyes never cease to behold. 13. You hear the man saw it. 14. Was it not only her father ruin was involved, and must she too bid farewell to hope? 15. It was the woman had opened it.16. We passed an ancient building stood on our right. 17. Does the advantage consist in the substitution of

representatives enlightened views and virtuous sentiments

render them superior to local prejudices and schemes of injustice?

18. That was the thing held her now.

19. Dick raised handsome eyes flashing light was made of


20. The man George had discovered apparently had not

moved from the place in which he had first been seen.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 who

2 who/whom

3 whose

4 which

5 whom

6 who

7 whom

8 who

9 which

10 who

11 which

12 which

13 who

14 which

15 who

16 which

17 which

18 which

19 which

20 whom

These are my friends. these are their dogs. this is matt. this is his fruit. look at the director. these are his files. this is ryan. this is her pen. look at ronald. this is his toy. обращайся)

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