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 1     Rewrite the sentences. Use the second, third conditional. Do not change the meaning.         1     We won’t have a holiday this year because we haven’t got any money in the bank. If         2     I forgot to charge my phone, so the battery died. If         3     I didn’t understand what the customs official said because I don’t speak his language. I         4     He parked his car illegally so it was towed away by the police. The police         5     They phoned for a pizza because they had forgotten to go shopping. If         6     I’m going to Australia because I’ve been offered a job there. If         7     Sue’s in a hurry because she got up late. Sue         8     I didn’t fix the fridge because I don’t know how to. If         9     Tom can’t go out this evening because he has a headache. If       10     I’m studying for my exams. That’s why I spent the weekend in the library. If

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My friend has radiant blue eyes , a gorgeous smile. the facial features are expressive ,   clearly definded , correct. black eyebrows and tanned face.high forehead , short ,black hair. the nouse is straight. my friend is a medium height , broad - shouldered , strong , agiel , though , because it is involved in sports.

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