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- - TASK 2. Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives. I've got three really good friends - Dilnaz, Inzhu and Pam. Dilnaz is older than us - sh and we're all fourteen. Pam is the (young) - she had her fourtee birthday last week. Inzhu is the (tall) she's one metre eighty I'm one metre sixty, but Dilnaz is (short) then me - she's ou metre fifty. The (intelligent) person is defir But Pam is (artistic) than Dilnaz. She can pain pictures. Inzhu is the (funny) person I know. We a fun!

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Ответы на вопрос:

8:40 - twenty to nine (двадцать к девяти, если дословно)

но в разговорном чаще говорят eight forty

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