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Упражнение 1.
Добавь окончание -ing к глаголам, распределяя их по строчкам в соответствии с написанием.

Come, clean, swim, do, write, make, shop, live, sing, run, dance, play, work, sit, sleep, take, have, eat, jump, cry


Упражнение 2.
Сделайте данные предложения вопросительными.
ПРИМЕР. We are listening to the teacher. - Are we listening to the teacher?

1. I am writing on the paper
2. You are learning English Grammar.
3. He is going to the cinema.
4.The horses are running very fast.
5. Mary is helping her mother to cook.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

cleaning, doing, singing, playing, working, sleeping, eating, jumping, crying

coming, writing, making, living, dancing, taking, having

swimming, shopping, running, sitting,

упр 2

am I writing on the paper?

are you learning English grammar?

is he going to the cinema?

are the horses running very fast?

is Mary helping her mother to cook?

yes, we were playing football. that was fun.

at my weekends i usually watch tv.

in my free time i like playing computer games.

Популярно: Английский язык