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Напишите сочинение на английском!Тема:"я в парке аттракционов"

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Ответы на вопрос:

An amusement park is a unique place where every child will find something of their own. Roller coasters, shooting range, darts and more await anyone who wants to come here for entertainment. That's what I thought for the time being, until my parents took me there. In front of the entrance, an elderly-looking controller sat and asked us for a ticket. In our city, the amusement park works as follows. Before entering the park, you must buy the appropriate ticket using an electronic card. Dad had already bought a ticket, handing over our copies to mom and me.

With will:
1. I think supermarket will disappear as more people shop online
2. I thanks I will be sick, because I don’t fell very well.
3. I will be in cafe in thirty minutes
4. I think the dinner will be ready in ten minutes
5. He will maybe take books at home

with be going to:
1. What are you going to prepare dinner?
2. In January I am going to take an exam
3. I have decided that I going to stop eating sweet
4. I am going to call Emily
5. I am going to shopping with my friends after school

with Present Continuous:
1. It’s my birthday on Saturday so I am meeting with my friends at the restaurant
2. He is buying new a books later today.
3. They are giving a prizes to the winners of the competition
4. We are meeting for a lunch on Friday
5. I am cooking something special on Friday evening

with Present Simple
1. It opens at 7:00
2. I think it’s closes at 20:00
3. Lunch break stars at 12:00 and finishes at 13:30
4. The clay courses starts at 15.00
5. My first lessons starts at 8:30

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