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надо короче по англискому дали предложение:They spent a week in Scotland last year и надо задовать вопросы отдельно каждому частю речи например уздили ли они когда ездили что делалим например вху ват ват вен дид

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Ответы на вопрос:

Who spent a week in Scotland last year?
What have they done a week in Scotland last year?

How much time have they spent in Scotland last year?

Where have they spent a week last year?

When have they spent a week in Scotland last year?

Where Did they spend a week last year?

Who spent a week in Scotland last year?

When did they spend a week in Scotland?

How long have they been in Scotland last year?

Are they playing football? – yes, they are. они играют в футбол? – да. do you play chess? no, i don’t. вы играете в шахматы? нет, не играю. do your friends speak english? yes, they do. ваши друзья говорят по-? да, говорят. does tim like video games? yes, he does. тиму нравятся видеоигры? да, нравятся. does your brother go to the theatre? no, he doesn’t. ваш брат ходит в театр? нет, не ходит.

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