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Ответы на вопрос:

We will watch a film tommorrow with Billy. He will come to my house.

Can you see this woman? She will have a baby.

I am pretty sure our teatcher didn't give us any (что дальше не видно)

In five days his cousins will open their new restaurant.

What will you do this weekend?

I am so excited because next month we will move.

1) We will watch a film tommorrow with Billy .He will come to my house

2) Can you see this woman?She will have a baby

3) I am pretty sure our teatcher didn't give us any

4) In five days his cousins will open their new restaurant

5) What will you do this weekend ?

6) I am so excited because next month we will move

Сочинение как я провела своё лето я каждый день гуляла с друзьями дышала свежим воздухом, так же я ездила в нижний новгород навещала бабушку там я купалась на речке тоже каждый день и я немного загорела. essay how i spent my summer every day i go out with friends, breathed fresh air, so i went to nizhny novgorod visited grandma there i was bathing in the river, too, every day and i'm a little tanned.

Популярно: Английский язык