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Using the verbs in the brackets, supply the appropriate form of the infinitive: be doing, be done, have been doing, have been done or have done. 1. We can (leave) soon.
2. I promise you your order will (send) today.
3. Why were you waiting here? You should (wait) round the corner.
4. 'How was the table scratched?' 'It must (do) when it was being moved.'
5. She is a slow worker! I could (do) the job twice in the time she is taken.
6. I don't know what Mark is doing. He may (study) in his room.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)He will walk in the park tomorrow.

Он будет гулять в парке завтра.

2)You will play in badminton an hour.

Вы будете играть в бадминтон в течении часа.

3)She will visit the museum tomorrow.

Она будет в музее завтра./Она пойдёт в музей завтра.

Популярно: Английский язык