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a 6 ACTIVATE Imagine that you are camping in a remote area. Invent dialogues using these words and phrases. Quickly! Hey! Watch out! Please pass move touch use help look in etc. the first aid kit! me with this. the tent! that stove! my torch! your sleeping bag! etc. Quickly! Pass me my torch! Why? What's the matter? I think there's a snake in my sleeping bag!

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Ответы на вопрос:

  i travel a lot and i know so kind of transport as buses, trains, electric trains, planes and ships. most of all i like trains. trains allow people to move long distances at a lower price than on the plane. traveling by ship is very interesting. you can see sea creatures such as dolphins. if you decide to travel by plane then get ready for bustle in the airport. bus also can to carry you over long distances but it is not comfortable. travelling transport helps you to see world

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