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1 Listen to an interview with teen sports star,
Andrea Murray. Tick (~) the activities that Andrea
does regularly.
plays volleyball
plays tennis
goes snowboarding
listens to music
goes to the cinema

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Ответы на вопрос:


1 Послушайте интервью со звездой подросткового спорта,

Андреа Мюррей. Отметьте (~) действия, которые Андреа

делает регулярно.

играет в волейбол

играет в теннис

катается на сноуборде



слушает музыку

1. we did not know that the police were looking for him. 2. a shot was heard, but no one was visible. they fired from around the corner. 3. is this question still being discussed? - yes, it has been discussed for 2 hours already. 4. how long did this issue have been discussed before you asked / took the floor. 5. was the new library built before you entered the institute? - when i entered the institute, the library was still being built. 6. i think that the library will not be built for the new academic year. 7. the patient will not operate if he does not consent to the operation. 8. since we returned late, the gates were closed. 9. by the time we returned the gate was already closed. 10. what a pity that the bakery is closed. how long before it opens again? 11. after the delegates were shown the exhibition, they recorded in the visitors' book. 12. i wonder if this brochure will be published before the conference opens? 13. this decision came after a long debate. 14. it is expected that this news will be published in the evening papers. 15. he was awarded many orders and medals for his services to his homeland. 16. special importance should be given to the spiritual and patriotic education of youth. 17. another attempt was made to come to a mutual agreement. 18. i hope that all points of the program will be agreed in the near future. 19. it is reported that the un resolution has been approved by the majority of delegations. 20. we are confident that the aggression will be over in the near future. 21. the new statement of the russian government is widely commented on in the press.

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