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Ex. 4. Put the words in the right order to make up sentences: 7. the goods, of, is, London, London, the East End, the hands, of, the West End, and, is. 8. Of, collection, and, the British Museum, in, the library, the world, one, books, of, manuscripts, is, the largest, of. 9. Range, which, on, 1824, the National Gallery, opened, a wonderful, were, the 10th, offers, of, public, of, May, to, pictures. 10.Periods, British, painting, all, of, the Tate Gallery, the national, collection, of, is.

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Итс фог роббис сикстинс бёсдей, ох ноу! лук эт зе кейк! лэри! лулу! ноу, вй воз ин май рум виз пэко. лук эт зис кейк! лэри, воз ит ю? лу лу? ит вознт ми! ви вё ин зе гаден! зен ху ваз ит? хм.. ай синк ай нау! лук, чаклс из хэвин а чимпс тии пати!

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