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4. Underline the correct word:  It’s imbelievable / unbelievable, a polar bear is a very good hunter.
 It’s just inpossible / impossible to live without a mobile phone today.
 It was an ilforgettable / unforgettable trip for me. I am a photographer and I took lots of
pictures of people and nature.

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Ответы на вопрос:

have never beenare; are studyingwentdo not have; will visithave already finishedDoes (your brother) go; isdid not comeam preparingwas skiinghave not buyhas just wonHave (you ever) caughtsaw; was walkingwashesDid (Zak) postgothave not completedis knitting; will finishWas (you) fishingHave been workingDo (you) havedoes not likehave not seenflewdid (he) receivedo (you) know each otheram speakingreadswill spendtold


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