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I can talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can use there is/are and some / any correctly. I can identify and understand unstressed words. I can talk and ask about quantity. I can use adjective + preposition collocations, I can understand a text about unusual restaurants. I can order food and drink in a restaurant I can write an invitation,

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Ответы на вопрос:

Gde moi noski? moi zabavnyye krasnyye noski? eto moi botinki. oni nakhodyatsya v korobke. eto moi shlyapy. eto moi kol'tsa. eto moi knigi. i te moi kontakty. takovy moi karty. takovy moi rozy. i whe moi soks. theyre zabavnyy i uyutnyy. kak

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