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Task 2. Write an essay “Healthy life”. Напишите эссе «Здоровый образ жизни». (60-80 слов). Используйте опорные вопросы.   •       What is your favourite sport? Why? •       What types of sport are popular among your friends? •       How do you try to keep fit? •       What do you think are the best tips for a long and healthy life?   только не про футбол

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello Alice!
This holidays I met a pretty interesting person. Her name is Nicky.
She lives in a country side near London with her mom,dad and her brother.
Nicky is gorgeous, this girl is a good dancer and singer! She is also smart, versatile,and can maintain a dialogue for all the themes you will ever imagine.
Her favorite subject in school is English,and she always gets brilliant marks.
I’m sure if you meet her you will like her as me, she is well at anything you ask her!
Bye, hope you are staying healthy.
Your*ваше имя*.

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