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Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun. More than one relative pronoun may be
correct in some sentences.

0 He's the player__who/that always scores goals.”

1 Sam is a person likes to win.

2 | haven't opened the present | was given.
3 This is the book John is talking about,

4 |'llnever forget | first met you.

5 People laugh after a joke they find funny.
6 It was aresult my dad was happy with.

7 That is the house | was born.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вы должны послушать разговор между кейт, сэм, джози и риком мореллом. обсудите в парах, какие вещи рик может сделать, чтобы им.

Популярно: Английский язык