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1. Read the text and write which sentences are true or false .1 Edison invented the telegraph 2 When Edison was a boy of 15, he worked as a telegraph operator 3 He worked from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 4 He worked at night 5 Edison sent signals with astonishing exactness “Edison’s first Inventions” When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He had to be on duty from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and give a signal every hour to prove that he did not sleep. The signal every hour to prove that he did not sleep. The signals were made with astonishing exactness. One night an inspector arrived and saw Edison sleeping in a chair. He was about to shake him when he caught sight of a mechanism on a table near the telegraph instrument. He waited to see what would happen. When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the instruments got busy and one lever threw open the key while the other sent the signal over the wire. The inspectors seized the sleeping boy, roused him and “fired” him. That is why the first of Edison’s numerous inventions was never patented.

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1) false 2) true 3) false 4) true 5) true

наступило весна.Земля покрылась зелёным пледом. Всё вокруг заиграло красивыми красками. Появились почки на деревьях. Сейчас я стою у красивой речки . Вода в нем настолько прозрачная что можно увидеть дно . Я часто сюда прихожу . Мне нравится это место . Тут я часто играю , дышу свежим воздухом, и именно здесь я чувствую что я живу. Сейчас я стою здесь и вижу как на меня с низу смотрит подснежник. Весна это прекрасное время года.

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