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1.Fill in : peak , crippled ,miraculously ,internal ,rash, rope. 1.The highest……….. of all is Mount Everest. 2.— She had bad …………. injuries, Jim. 3. Well, his bad leg …………… healed... and he hopped off in search of new adventures. 4. She has a …………..all over her body. 5. I was born with a……….. arm. 2. Complete each sentence , using by or with. 1.The big cake was bake….Sam. 2.The fish was caught…. the seagull. 3.A delicious cherry pie has been made…. my mum for dinner. 4.An apple was given to me …. Linda 5.The door will be locked …. another key. 6.The paper is cut …. the knife.

3 .Fill in the gaps with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. A lot of new houses ( to build) in Moscow every year. Каждый год в Москве строится много новых домов. 2. Nowadays space (to explore) by many countries. В наше время космос исследуется многими странами. 3. The work (to do) on time. Работа была сделана вовремя. 4. The door (to open) with another key. Дверь была открыта другим ключом. 5. He (to teach) to swim last summer. Его научили плавать летом. 6.You (to ask) to tell about your journey. Вас попросят рассказать о своём путешествии. 7. A house ( to build) by my husband Дом был построен моим мужем. 8. These competitions ( to held) in Moscow – Эти соревнования пройдут в Москве. 9. The question (to discuss) – Вопрос обсуждается 10 The game ( to finish) by 3 o’clock yesterday – Игра была окончена вчера к трем часам. 11. The letter (to send) by Friday – Письмо будет отправлено к пятнице. 12.This house (to build) 100 years ago – этот дом был построен 100 лет назад

4.Completethe phrasal verbs with the correct particle :on, ahead, through, into, away 1. Go…., please. Your story is very interesting. 2. We went……….. our notes before the exam 3. If this pain doesn’t go……… soon, I shall go mad. 4. I really don't want to go …….that now. 5. Go ……make a fool of yourself!

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"Times New Roman, serif"> for, of , from, in ,to. 1.He recovered her…. a painful disease. 2. New mothers often complain ….lethargy (вялость) and mild depression. 3. I am allergic …. cat hair. 4. She was treated…… asthma. 5. The old castle was involved ….mist.

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Ответы на вопрос:


The highest peak of all is Mount Everest.

She had bad internal injuries, Jim.

Well, his bad leg miraculously healed and he hopped off in the search of new adventures.

She has a rash all over her body.

I was born with a crippled arm.


The big cake was baked by Sam.

The fish was caught by the seagull.

A delicious cherry pie has been made by my mum for dinner.

An apple was given to me by Linda.

The door will be locked by(?) another key. (not sure)

The paper is cut with the knife.


( I am not sure about this one, but I am quite certain they are correct)

A lot of new houses are built in Moscow every year.

Nowadays space is explored by many countries.

The work was done on time.

The door was opened with another key.

He was taught to swim last summer.

You were asked to tell about your journey.

A house was built by my husband.

These competitions will be held in Moscow

The question is discussed.

The game was finished by 3 o'clock yesterday.

The letter will be sent by Friday.

This house was built 100 years ago.


Go on, please. Your story is very interesting.

We went through our notes before the exam.

If this pain doesn't go away soon, I shall go to mad.

I really don't want to go into that now.

Go ahead, make a fool of yourself!


He recovered her from a painful disease.

New mothers often complain of lethargy and mild depression

I am allergic to cat hair.

She was treated for asthma.

The old castle was involved in mist. (?)

1. с

2. a

3. a

4. c

5. b

6. b

7. b

8. c

9. c

10. b

11. b

12. b

13. a

14. a

15. b

16. a

17. b

18. c

19. b

20. a

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