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Hometask 3. Make the sentences correct. 1. M. Auezov was born on the 31th of October 1827 in a family of a scientist. 2. His grandfather was a not well-educated person. 3. First of all he studied at school in Semipalatinsk. 4. In Almaty he began his public work. 5. From 1923-1928 he studied at the Moscow University at the physics faculty. 6. M. O. Auezov was not only the great writer, but also a great physics. 7. He studied the life and work of Pushkin. 8. The great work of M. Auezov is a novel “The War and the Pease”. 9. This novel was translated into only Russian. 10. The name of M. Auezov is not well-known in the world.

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[ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво: минг]warming[ʹwɔ: mıŋ] [хэз]has[hæz] [биʹкам]become[bıʹkʌm] [э,(эй)]a[ə,(eı)] [ʹси(э)риэс]serious[ʹsı(ə)rıəs] [ʹпроблэм]problem[ʹprɒbləm] [ин]in[ın] [модн]modern[mɒdn] [вё: лд]world[wɜ: ld]. [ит]it[ıt] [из]is[ız] referred [ту: ]to[tu: ] [пэʹтэнш(э)л]potential[pəʹtenʃ(ə)l] changes[мн.ч.] [ин]in[ın] [ʹклаймит]climate[ʹklaımıt], [вич]which[wıtʃ] [кэн]can[kæn] [лэд]lead[led] [ту: ]to[tu: ] [зэ]the[ðə] [райз]rise[raız] [ов]of[ɒv] [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹтэмп(э)рэчэ]temperature[ʹtemp(ə)rətʃə]. [зис]this[ðıs] [тё: м]term[tɜ: m] [хэз]has[hæz] been[bi(: )n] presented [бай]by[baı] scientists[мн.ч.]. [зэй]they[ðeı] [вё: к]work[wɜ: k] [ха: д]hard[hɑ: d] [ʹтрайинг]trying[ʹtraııŋ] [ту: ]to[tu: ] [солв]solve[sɒlv] [зэ]the[ðə] [ʹпроблэм]problem[ʹprɒbləm]. [ʹазэвайз]otherwise[ʹʌðəwaız], [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво: минг]warming[ʹwɔ: mıŋ] [кэн]can[kæn] [ʹпродью: с]produce[ʹprɒdju: s] [ʹри(э)ли]really[ʹrı(ə)lı] [ʹдэйнджэрэс]dangerous[ʹdeındʒərəs] [клайʹмэтик]climatic[klaıʹmætık] changes[мн.ч.] [эʹпа: т]apart[əʹpɑ: t] [фром]from[frɒm] [э,(эй)]a[ə,(eı)] [райз]rise[raız] [ин]in[ın] [ʹтэмп(э)рэчэ]temperature[ʹtemp(ə)rətʃə]. [фо: ]for[fɔ: ] [игʹза: мп(э)л]example[ıgʹzɑ: mp(ə)l], [ʹэувэ]over[ʹəʋvə] [зэ]the[ðə] [па: ст]past[pɑ: st] 100 years[мн.ч.] [зэ]the[ðə] [ʹэв(э)ридж]average[ʹæv(ə)rıdʒ] [ʹтэмп(э)рэчэ]temperature[ʹtemp(ə)rətʃə] [райз]rise[raız] [воз]was[wɒz] [эʹбаут]about[əʹbaʋt] 1 [диʹгри: ]degree[dıʹgri: ]. [эʹко: динг]according[əʹkɔ: dıŋ] [ту: ]to[tu: ] [сам]some[sʌm] scientists[мн.ч.] [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво: минг]warming[ʹwɔ: mıŋ] [из]is[ız] [зэ]the[ðə] [риʹзалт]result[rıʹzʌlt] [ов]of[ɒv] [зэ]the[ðə] [инʹдастриэл]industrial[ınʹdʌstrıəl] [͵рэвэʹлу: ш(э)н]revolution[͵revəʹlu: ʃ(ə)n]. [иф]if[ıf] [ит]it[ıt] continues, [ит]it[ıt] [кэн]can[kæn] [дисʹтрой]destroy[dısʹtrɔı] [ʹауэ]our[ʹaʋə] [͵сив(э)лайʹзэйш(э)н]civilization[͵sıv(ə)laıʹzeıʃ(ə)n]. [ван]one[wʌn] [ов]of[ɒv] [зэ]the[ðə] [мэуст]most[məʋst] [имʹпо: т(э)нт]important[ımʹpɔ: t(ə)nt] reasons[мн.ч.] [ов]of[ɒv] [ʹглэуб(э)л]global[ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹво: минг]warming[ʹwɔ: mıŋ] [из]is[ız] [зэ]the[ðə] [эа]air[eə] [пэʹлу: ш(э)н]pollution[pəʹlu: ʃ(ə)n]. [мо: ]more[mɔ: ] [энд]and[ænd] [мо: ]more[mɔ: ] factories[мн.ч.] [а: ]are[ɑ: ] [ʹби: инг]being[ʹbi: ıŋ] [билт]built[bılt] [ин]in[ın] [ʹдиф(э)рэнт]different[ʹdıf(ə)rənt] countries[мн.ч.]. [бай]by[baı]

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